ECS or NACH charge kat raha hai

If your bank is taking recurring charges from ECS on your bank statement, it is possible that it is a recurring payment for a service or subscription that you have signed up for.

If you are unsure about the charge or wish to dispute it, I would suggest reaching out to your bank or financial institution for assistance. They should be able to provide you with more information about the charge and assist you in resolving the issue if necessary.

If you are encountering a recurring charge of 295 on your bank statement, it is possible that it is a recurring payment for a service or subscription that you have signed up for.

I would suggest checking your recent transactions and any email receipts to see if you can identify the source of the charge. If you are still unsure about the charge or wish to dispute it, I would recommend reaching out to your bank or financial institution for assistance. They should be able to provide you with more information about the charge and assist you in resolving the issue if necessary

Author: abusarsk

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